Friday, October 31, 2008

In the news

Liberal group spends millions on Colo. (Mentions CODA)

The Gay Mafia That's Redefining Liberal Politics (Mentions my brother Jon)

Sleazier and sleaziest (Mentions Timmy and I)

In response to the Rocky Mountain News piece, it's true our attack ad's have gotten vicious over the years.

So, what?

See this ad from 2006, do pay attention to the hand written notes.


"Daddy" Warbucks said...

"So who's responsible for these travesties? A group called Accountability for Colorado, which is partly funded by wealthy activists Tim Gill and Pat Stryker. These two fat cats, respected members of the state's establishment, apparently have no qualms joining with those who trash the reputations of the innocent."

Yet so many other names are left out....

Unknown said...

This is what Tyrants do!